Thursday, September 01, 2005


Finally mentioned in a review!!!

I have participated in a bunch of group shows and several of them have been reviewed in the paper and finally in this one they mentioned ME! Me, me, me! I am going to quote the first two paragraphs of the article because they are the best and I am not sure how long the link will stay good.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Bernheim 'Beasts' leave you wanting more

By Diane Heilenman
The Courier-Journal

"Bernheim Arboretum south of Louisville has done an exemplary job of blending engaging art with the necessary thematic background of nature. However, the current "Backyard Beasts" exhibit disappoints. It is a bit shy of enough art to satisfactorily fill the space of the gallery in the former visitors center, now a backup to the new visitors center that is worth a trip to see all by itself.

"Beasts" has its high points, which include the dramatic, oversized mantis-like creature of iron, "Bad Boy" by Lewis Meyer of Louisville; the brilliantly hued, optically charged paintings of larger-than-life beetles and bugs by Marty Killmire of Louisville; and the papier-mâché "Bat" by William Polk of Louisville."

Yay, High Point!

Wow! Congrats on being a high point. The review sure didn't get off to a good start. I was kind of worried.

I think I saw a "mantis like creature" that you created once (in the back yard of a pub?). Is this one similar? Will you post a picture?

I'm very sorry to hear about Mocha's tongue though. I'll be sending good thoughts.
Yeah, it would be better to be high point in an awesome show.

It is the mantis critter that has lived in our house for the last ten years or so. You're thinking of the old one that hides in the garden at the metal museum now.
I'm sending love to Mocha, too. She is lucky to have such a loving family...

Congrats on the great review!
You deserve it--- : )
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